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Bait Page

Send this link 1-on-1 to the person harassing you:

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Visitor report

There is no visitor data because nobody visited your unique bait page yet. Share the link with your harasser. Then regularly refresh this page to see whether the harassing person visited the page.

You can visit the bait page yourself to see what the report will look like.

Free plan

You're currently on the "Free" plan. This allows you to see all data of your own visits to the bait page.

Visits to your bait pages are stored for the next 30 days. So you have about one month to decide whether or not to view more details about the gathered data.

If you had a visitor, you can see all data by paying €9,99. Your payment remains valid for one week.

You can only pay us when you've had actual visits to the bait page.